Rabu, 28 September 2011

Tips & Tricks: Supreme Commander 2

Inside Mac Games has posted a new article featuring tips and tricks for success in Virtual Programming and Gas Powered Games' Supreme Commander 2. The real time strategy game drops players in the middle of a galactic war between three galactic empires and gives them the chance to command enormous armies from a host of customizable units.

Commanders (ACU): Everyone has a single Armored Command Unit. Not only can they build buildings faster than your worker units, but they also have powerful combative abilities as well. Certain upgrades on each ACU are vital, such as Hunker, Overcharge, Jump Jets and Teleport, allowing them great defense, damage and mobility during fights. Don't be afraid to use your commander heavily, but take great care to protect him for he cannot be rebuilt or resurrected if killed.
Enemy ACUs: Beware of when they die because they go nuclear, unleashing that oh so familiar giant mushroom cloud. It destroys any units or buildings caught in the blast - including your own. Best destroyed from long range or with your ACU to prevent damage to your forces.

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