Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Leather Sofa and Treatment

Comfy sofas can be one of your favorite items in the house. You can let go of tired and lazy in that place. One of the substances used in sofas are leather wrapped. Apparently, the skin is used as a wrapping sofa there are several types. The following article contains information about commonly used types of skin. You'll also get information about how to distinguish genuine or imitation leather and leather sofa how to care for you for not quickly broken.Leather Sofa Type
Skin types commonly used are as follows

The outermost skin and the fur is characteristic of this skin type.
Skin feels smooth and is the type most widely used in the manufacture of sofas.
Resembling a towel, a second layer of skin to fifth.
Like velvet. Requires a complicated and long process. Because the price is expensive, this skin type rarely used to coat the couch.

Differences Between Imitation Leather by Leather
If you intend to replace the upholstery sofa, so that you do not be fooled if the leather sofa leather chosen is genuine or just imitation, the following differences can you accurately:

* Because the original skin is one unit, then the front and rear of the same skin. While the faux leather is usually in the middle plus a thin sponge and then the back of the given layer, then the front and rear are not the same.
* Thorough skin layer. If it turns out there are 3 layers, means that the imitation leather. Because as mentioned in point 1, there is an additional layer of synthetic leather.
* Rabbah skin is used, if it feels sticky mean imitation leather.
* If imitation leather would be no smell of vinyl.
* Try to pull the skin. If when pulled up and down when pulled kerenggangannya same left-right, meaning imitation leather. This is due to genuine leather comes from animal skins, then the left-right rift greater than top-down.
* Genuine leather hard burned, but imitation leather will shrink when baked.

Sofa Care
Like the other furniture in need of treatment, then to the sofa you can perform maintenance by doing the following things:

* Each 1-week, clean the sofa with a dry cloth
* Do not place the sofa in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Sunlight can make the leather sofa becomes dry and cracked.
* Apply a skin moisturizer on your couch. Moisturizers can be purchased on the market.
* Immediately wipe the sofa with a rag or sponge when exposed to water spillage.

Choosing Cooker Hood to your Kitchen

Cooker hood is basically a tool that allows you to replace the dish with air so that the kitchen clean air free of unhealthy air. To determine which cooker hood is suitable for use, you'll want to know the options that exist and what the differences of each of these types of cooker hood.
Model Cooker Hood
Based on the shape or model, the cooker hood is divided into several forms, namely:

Is the simplest form, are small, thin, flat and usually placed at the edge of the room close to the wall. The type of this type do not have a chimney.
The shape is similar to the slimline model, but dengnan larger size. This model has a chimney that is usually placed at the edge of the room.
Called the island or the island because this type of cooker hood is placed in the middle of the room and there are pipes that can remove the dirty air.

Controlling Termites and Ants

SHAPE her like ants, but you all know him as more harmful insects, "eat" wood. Bookcases, doors, desks, all it can be eaten. Sometimes from the outside appears "safe" only, but if you press, usually immediately "collapse" alias porous. What creature on earth that make all this happen? You may have heard his name, but had never seen directly.
Insects Termites are well known by the people of Indonesia, also known as white ants, some areas have special names, such as withered (Java central / east), Anai-Anai (Sumatra), Sumpiyuh, Rinyuh (West Java). In English Termites Termites are also called, or White ants (white ants)
Termites including a group of social insects, as well as ants and bees. It is interesting that termites can not live alone, termites, always live in groups because that's how termites gain "needs" to be kept alive. They built a "home" to where he's looking for food in the form of "corridors" long and narrow. In some areas, termites build their houses so high, they were unique luxury homes built by termites that is blind you know.

treat bed sheets and bedcovers

Here are the steps:

    1. Wash bed linen bed linen bed cover and cover with cold water or warm
    2. If the wash bed cover sheets using the washing machine select normal or moderate rotation
    3. Do not wash the bed cover and bed linen using bleach
    4. Do not soak the bed sheets and bed cover using soap (detergent) is too long, should not be soaked
    5. Linen should not be brushed
    6. Do not squeeze too hard cover sheets
    7. Bedsheet covers should not be dried under direct sun, while hanging bed sheet bed cover with the positions reversed
    8. Iron bed cover bed sheet with a hot medium

Good luck

Eliminate Cat Odor

Houses are freshly painted nose piercing smell often causing dizziness and nausea. To reduce and neutralize the smell of paint the house this nose piercing, can be used kitchen ingredients as follows:

Vinegar. The acidic nature of vinegar to neutralize the smell of paint is sharp. You do this by pouring vinegar to taste in a bowl and put vinegar in the middle of the room is freshly painted. Slowly the sharp smell of paint will gradually decrease.

Coffee and Vanilla Powder powder. Combine coffee powder and vanilla powder into a bowl. Stir well, then place the bowl in the corners of a freshly painted room. When the room is painted a large enough, place a few bowls scattered in every corner of the room.

Water and Salt. Put some fruit bowl of water and salt in the corners of the room to help reduce bad smell of fresh paint.

Pineapple. Put some pineapple in every room, can speed up the smell of paint, as well as to spread the aroma of fresh pineapple. It can also by placing a number of orange peel, lemon peel or grapefruit in the room, to remove paint effectively.

Save Electricity Tips

Save on electric bills mean using power tools as necessary and turn it off when not needed. To have this habit must continue to be done. From now on try to get used to doing the things below to save on your electric bill:

    1. Get used to turn off lights when not in use. Also, turn off lights in empty space. For light outside the house, you can use the light sensor that can turn on and turn off the lights to detect sunlight.
    2. During the day, better use of sunlight into the house. No need to turn on the lights. Open up your curtains for sun light to enter.
    3. Turn off the television can not watch and unplug it. television and all electrical equipment that is still in standby mode will constantly use electricity.
    4. Use a socket adapter that uses the switch to a laptop or your cell phone charger. If you're not in use, simply turn off the switch to stop the flow of electricity. This is useful for those who are lazy to unplug the adapter or charger when finished use.
    5. Clean your light bulbs regularly. Dirty light bulbs often make light becomes dim. Rather than replace it with a watt bulb with a larger, try the occasional clean. Light bulbs that will return a maximum shine.
    6. Paint the house with bright colors will also help you save on lamp usage. Coloring house with a dark color like dark gray or dark blue will only give the impression of dark in the house, so you always feel the need to turn on the lights
    7. Maximize employment of households using electricity (such as ironing and washing with washing machine) in the daytime because at night the electricity tariff is more expensive.

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


Many people dream of having and running your own business, but do not want to take risks by starting from scratch. Buying a franchise is the answer. By purchasing a franchise, you will be given the format and the system built by the franchisor, the right to use the franchisor's name for a certain period and assistance in running the business. Buying a franchise does reduce the risk of direct investment because you would associate with a company that already has a name, but buying a franchise can be expensive. You also may be asked to give up most control of your business, and must perform certain obligations under the contract with the franchisor.  Here are some things you should consider in buying a franchise:  - Cost of Franchise: What you may not be in-refundable, can range from tens to hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars.  - Royalty payments: You usually have to pay royalties to the franchisor despite your efforts have not produced a satisfactory income. Royalties are usually based on gross sales per month. In addition, the royalty is also paid for the right to use the franchisor's name.  - Cost of Advertising: You may have to pay the advertising cost. Some of these costs may be used to finance advertising nationally, or attract new franchisees, who do not directly have an effect on your target market outlets.  - Controls: To ensure uniformity, franchisors will control how franchisees conduct business. This can limit you in making business decisions based on your own intuition.  - Termination & Renewal: You can lose your franchise if you breach the contract. In addition, there is the right franchise term. After that, there's no guarantee you can membaharuinya (renewal). Franchisor may terminate the contract if you, for example, failed to pay royalties or fail to meet performance standards. If your franchise rights terminated, then you will lose your investment. Franchise agreement can be for 5, 10 or 20 years. After that, the franchisor may refuse to renew your franchise contract.  So before deciding to buy a franchise, consider the above matters, and review the contract in detail.  Other things are also important considerations you make, among other things: the funds available for you to invest, invest your goals, your skills, products and services, what you like to sell it, how the track-record of the franchisor, how the franchise that opened and managed, training provided, how far from the outlet you someone can open the same franchise, whether you should buy a supply / product from the franchisor (if yes, whether the price is competitive), what is referred to in the contract concerning the ownership, whether you can sell franchise you to others if you wish, if you want to continue the current contract expired whether automatically be updated, if you later want to change your outlet into an independent business if possible, how disputes will be resolved, what criteria are used by franchisors to select a franchisee, how many large target market that you make and how the level of competition.  Besides, before you decide to buy a franchise, it is important to ask for a list of names and addresses of other franchisees. Phone or visit them and ask about their experience.  With careful in buying a franchise, will increase the likelihood of your success. Many a good franchise, where the franchisor really provide assistance and then grow along its franchisees. But some are only interested in your franchise fee.

Height Increase Tips

Why Short My Body?Short body can occur for several reasons other than because of hereditary factors namely lack of growth hormone (somatotropin). This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland (gland under the brain) that functions to control your bone growth. At age 12-14, these glands are very active and producing lots of hormones to stimulate bone growth. After that the gland will be reduced hormone production. Usually in women of this gland stops producing at the age of 21 years and men 25 years unless you know the specific techniques for this kelernjar keep up with production to increase your height. These methods are usually present in addition to programs available in the market's height.
In addition to growth hormone due to aging can also be stopped prematurely because of stress in their lives (schools, workplaces, households, etc.). Another factor again is the problem of unhealthy habits such as excessive dieting, a position that does not sleep well, exercise is wrong, improper body posture (disability). Thus, for taller you should avoid these factors are: must have adequate nutrition, enough sleep with a good position, proper exercise and posture are not defective.
Mathematical formula for calculating the maximum potential of human height
Many people ask: â? My father and mother-meter tall X I Y meters high, what is the maximum height can I have? Â???. In the past, this question can not be answered scientifically, but now has found a formula math after research done by scientists on the issue of human height in various countries to investigate the relationship between a person's height with the heights of parents and offspring thereon.
The conclusion is, the maximum potential of human height actually is determined not only by heredity from the parents alone but also received the influence of grandparents and descendants thereon. To calculate your potential height, use the following formula:
P = Potential Maximum HeightA = My fatherI = MotherAA = father's father (your paternal grandfather)IA = mother's father (your paternal grandmother)AI = mother's father (your grandfather from mother's side)II = mother's mother (your grandmother's maternal)
If you are male (with an accuracy of 99%), then the formula in centimeters:P = (A + I + AA + IA + AI + II) / 6 * 1.08 + 14 cm
If you are a woman (with an accuracy of 99%), then the formula in centimeters:P = (A + I + AA + IA + AI + II) / 6 * 0.92 + 11.4 cm
Based on statistics and research scientists that have been made, said that the average human height commensurate with the average height of their parents and grandparents they are divided by a conversion factor of 1:08 or 0.92 plus 14cm or 11.4cm. This result is a potential maximum height they can achieve. However, 99 out of 100 people both men and women were just having a height much lower (5-15 cm) than the maximum potential that they could possess based on the formula above. So very rare human being who is able to reach the potential maximum height they are supposed to get.
You can grow tall even if your parents short
Regardless of whatever the height of your parents, in fact you can still grow tall if great-grandfather until his body posture on it is that high. This is what explains why there are children whose bodies were higher than their parents. It is clear that in this case there is luck factor as well. Children who are fortunate tall height genes inherited from generation above their parents while her own parents would not get the gene. So do not be to pessimistic by saying that you must be short because your parents are short too. Wherever possible you should check the 3-4 generation of your parents over whether there is a body high or not. If there is, then you still have a chance to add height to the height enhancer programs in the market!

Overcoming Hair Loss How To Rudy Hadisuwarno

In the normal cycle of hair growth, according to Rudy Hadisuwarno hairdresser, someone could lose 50-80 hairs every day.
That, he added, it is natural and reasonable and do not have to worry about. But if you lose more than 80 strands of hair every day, maybe you are experiencing hair loss, and need special treatment.

Following this, Rudy Hadisuwarno mention the causes of hair loss:

    1. Hair loss can be caused by genetic factors (heredity).
    2. Or, just maybe, you are allergic to hair dye. Preferably before the hair paint, hair dye was tested first by applying on the hands and allowed for some time.
    3. Some women experience hair loss after childbirth
    4. Hair should be on the dry and not damp, and therefore not advisable to wear a helmet and a hat for a long time.
    5. Stress also can be one of the factors causing hair loss.

Rudy Hadisuwarno also provides tips to help cope with hair loss:

    1. Prevent hair loss while hair is still healthy and strong, with routinely do hair spa, hair mask, cream bath, wearing a hair tonic, and use shampoo and conditioner to suit your hair type.
    2. If you are experiencing hair loss, the following tips can help you to regrow your hair.
    3. Do creambath, at least two weeks
    4. Wash at least every other day using a shampoo to suit your hair type, and use a conditioner after shampooing.
    5. Use a hair tonic that match your hair type.

Tips for Keeping Teeth Growth

Teeth of a child (infant) is the part that continues to grow as well as other members of the body, though looks like a hard object. Many things affect the teeth and gums healthy and strong. One is the use of bottles and teats. If not carefully choosing bottles and teats, may cause jaw movement is less active, so it can disrupt the process of mastication. Indirectly it will affect the cheeks and chin shape.
Indeed, the most perfect is the direct feeding of the mother. However, not all mothers-for many reasons, to breastfeed directly. When this happens, use a dot of milk that has been designed by experts, so as to resemble a mother's nipple (orthodontic).
In order not to mistakenly select the dot of milk, there is a great way to choose a good dot between
:*SoftwareChoose the dot that is made from latex (natural rubber). One of the benefits of latex is the softness in the product so easy to use even if the baby is still young (0-3 months)
* Emit soft, do not make gaggingChoose the dot that has a soft glow, making babies is not easy to choke during feeding.* Anti-flatulentChoose the dot that has a special hole. Special hole on the dot to make a baby is not easy to bloating.
* The shape and design orthodentisDesign orthodentis this:
1. Help improve the natural dentition
2. Maintaining infant feeding actively perform similar movement feeds on the mother.
3. Stimulates production of saliva to mix the milk before swallowing.
Besides the use of dot milk, there are some things we need to look for baby's teeth maintained its growth, including:
* Inadequate fluoride substancesFluroide substance is a mineral that has been proven to increase tooth resistance to acid, thereby reducing the likelihood of tooth decay. If the substance is less fluoride, may be given additional fluoride tablets or liquid medicine.
* Food MenuWatch out for sugar content in foods because it is a major cause of tooth decay. For that reduce the number and frequency.
* Clean your child's teethKeep your child's teeth are always brushed and cleaned. Clean teeth and gums with a clean damp cloth. To be comfortable, lap and the baby's head with folded arms on the chest.
* Drinks nightDo not allow a child to sleep with a bottle containing sugary solution. This fluid will clot around the teeth and cause decay. If you need to drink, give the white water with a clean pacifier.

Drinking Trick Bitter Medicine

Sometimes the children pre-school toddlers & infants must take medicine because of his physical condition is not healthy.

Unfortunately not all the drugs for children have a sense of oranges or strawberries. There is also a drug with a flavor that tastes bitter enough for children. If your child gets enough bitter medicine, there are methods to try so that she would take the medicine. Put a small splinter of ice in the tongue the little guy. Then lift and Drinks immediate cure.

Tips Select a Course That Fit Your Child Pool

There is much to ask about how to find good swimming classes for children. Here's a guide to find good swimming classes, given by Dr. Karel Staa, Sp.A a former swimming champion.

* If you intend to enter your baby into the swimming course, make sure that the course has an official permit and comply with official directives.

* In place of a good course, each instructor handles only two or three children so she can properly supervise the students. Also it never hurts to ask if the instructor has a certificate stating he is entitled to train.

* Course also features a good pool with a paramedic who has a certificate in the technique of artificial respiration (CPR).